Beginning Monday, November 11, Cabrini High School celebrated "Mother Cabrini Week" until Friday, November 15 in honor of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini's Feast Day on November 13. Campus Ministry hosted multiple activities on campus throughout the week.
Each morning started off with students reading the Mother Cabrini history of where their class symbol originated from. Each day they took a grade level symbol and read the story of how it was significant in Mother Cabrini's life.
On Monday there was a bake sale to benefit the Cabrini St. Joseph's Altar. There was a Mother Cabrini scavenger hunt on Tuesday, plus Adoration in the Chapel. Students, faculty, staff, alumnae, and guests wore their best violet attire to honor Mother Cabrini on her Feast Day. Following the Feast Day Mass, there was a Legacy Brunch reception for all alumnae and legacies in the gym, as well as a reception in the cafeteria for all other students and faculty members. Trivia Thursday consisted of a student dressed as Mother Cabrini walking around during lunch to ask students trivia questions about her life. The grand finale was a Fun Spirit Day Friday. Students could wear purple socks and accesories, and homeroom teachers passed out lollipops with motivational Mother Cabrini quotes on them.
We feel that Mother Cabrini is with us every day on campus, but during "Mother Cabrini Week" it feels a little more special. Mother Cabrini is a constant presence at Cabrini High School, and we are very fortunate to be a part of continuing her legacy!